Two people who need serious recognition for all they have done throughout this "Shitshow" pandemic are Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah.

Both men quickly abandoned their suits and got comfy at home as they welcomed us to sit on the couch next to them. I have said it at various times to my girlfriend that we would be lost without them.
They abandoned their studio audiences and embraced life in Lockdown as Air Force One touched down AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN for the Make Pandemics Great Again tour.
I've felt sick watching Trump misinform the world through his suggestions that people might be able to inject disinfectants where the sun don't shine while Stephen Colbert would quicker suggest whiskey and Moonshine but it could be worse, unlike @stephenathome Trump has made everyone at his White home very sick.
Both satirists and the likes of the great John Oliver have entertained my girlfriend and I as we were forced inside and living in Madrid, there was no outside for us unless for shopping and how happy we would be if we had a puppy to bring outside as Stephen Colbert trained his dog on live tv.
These are strange times and I've been encouraging everyone to wear a mask since early March. I could see the dangers a mile off as I rode the Metro wearing a mask and gloves.
Stephen Colbert has been a lion in this fight while others were just lying and it is great to see artist Jon Lion creating this wonderful sketch of him wearing a mask in his trademark suit.
I am sharing a video of Jon Lion's work taken from his website and would love to see Stephen Colbert using this image in his act as I think the likeness and message really convey what A Late Show has meant to me and my girlfriend.