With over 18,000 shares, this poem by Aoife Driver has really hit the nail on the head as parents prepare to send their children to school with packed lunches and sanitizer. Parents are being asked to prepare children for something adults have failed to tackle adequately for six months and this time every parent will be hoping that their precious little one fails the test when their friends start coughing.
'Twas the night before school When all through the house Not a creature was stirring except for this spouse!
Schoolbags sat by the front door with care She had bathed the kids and blow dried their hair Lunches were made and shoes had been shined "I hope they don't catch it" raced through her mind
The children were sleeping fast in their beds With dreams of reunions with all their friends Where classes are bubbles and tables are pods Their safety in the hands of the "government gods"
When down in the kitchen arose such a clatter, Husband ran down to see what was the matter. Away to the kitchen he flew like a light His wife sat crying at the table he knew something not right "I want them to go but I want them to stay I want this bloody virus to just go away"
For the first time in months her bubble had burst She thought she'd feel happier but now she feels worse The 'what-ifs' were racing around in her mind Her husband hugged her and tried to be kind
We've waited for this day for schools to reopen But the mixture of change and fear had her quite frozen She feigned a smile and sipped on her tea And persuaded herself "I'll have more time for me"
But six months has passed The country none the wiser Schoolbags now packed with masks and hand sanitizer
But this is a good thing, for schools to reopen The children deserve it, its what they've been hoping Children of Ireland have shown such resilience Positive attitude and absolute brilliance!
You might feel nervous or perhaps feel okay To release your babies back to school today But whatever you feel know it's not for forever We'll get through this and we'll get through together
© Aoife Driver 27/08/2020
