With Dick-he-is and that "Britney bitch"
I wonder if it´s time for censorship
to censor shit.
Songs that go "on and on and on and on"
Polluted education, disgraceful stereotypes
drugged up, fucked up
Christo champagne and hoes
encourage us "to turn that shit up"
no mention of STDs, failed marriages
and liver disease.
"All my bitches got real hair,
I´m gonna take her ass down,
if she brings her friend around"
"That´s the kind of nigger I am"
Fuck it up, now sing it loud, shout it out
before we hit the ground
Click here if you are over 18
or want to be
porn portals await
either way
Full nudity and Walking Dead on television at noon
lunchtime entertainment
pussy and entrails
With qujii boards on Scoobie Doo
what are we going to do?
You must be over 18 to buy that video game
for your 12-year-old son
it may contain, violence, swearing
and murdering prostitutes on L.A. streets
but everyone else has it at school
Hardcore lyrics porno bitches
where Tourettes is no longer a medical condition
but necessary for a rap career position
"I don't mean to be disrespectful but you're a sexy bitch
unlike my neighborhood whores, yeah you're a sexy bitch"
You don´t mean to be disrespectful,
Well you're no Shakespeare´s sonnet
I think you choose to be
Find out that it is
Disrespect-full of shit
"Walking into a club,
like, what-up, I got a big cock"
is not "fucking awesome"
"Her pussy was so good,"
"she could suck my penis"
Censor shit, censor it
Young ears and young eyes
protected from
ignorant ways
At least try Spain
some of the time
13th of May 2014 En Madrid
Listening to *Hit FM in my car