Two months ago, I got my hair cut and spoke about it on two radio stations as Manual Casal did such a good job, protecting his clients from Coronavirus while shaving off that excessive quarantine hair.

Two months later and Manuel has maintained his high standard of protection and I could see him disinfecting the barber seat that his customers were sitting in.
Stepping inside, Manuel squirted some liquid on the mat and I wiped my feet. He handed me some hand sanitizer and cleaned down the seat that I was about to sit on.
Manuel took my number for contract tracing and seemed to have bought extra barber equipment for cleaning combs and shaver blades.
You cannot underestimate the difficulties small businesses are facing in providing a safe environment for their customers, and I find it incredible that while President Trump wants to re-open schools in America, people like Manuel are risking their lives to re-open their businesses during a global pandemic.
Manuel Casel's barbershop is located a few hundred metres from the Spanish parliament but I think he should be running the country when you see the care he takes providing a safe place for people to get their hair cut. I am sure many barbers are doing the same as Manuel but I cannot know until I take the hot seat and see them taking the same numerous precautions that my local barber does.
I'm sure he could have cut and run but he has decided to stay open and serve the community and for that I say thank you and encourage everyone to tip extra whenever you see someone going above and beyond to provide a safe environment for their clientele, when the rest of the world has gone to hell.

November 2019 versus May 2020 and you can see Manuel wearing a mask and faceshield and gloves.