So get off your high horse
Weeks ago, I read the news*
and hoped it wasn’t true
Princess Anne’s daughter
refused to self isolate, after a ski trip to Italy
You are no princess and inherited no title
Yet were born 6th inline to a billion-pound queendom
An Olympian equestrian
Princess Anne’s Royal little princess
Why doesn’t Zara Philips Tindall
self-quarantine after skiing in Italy?
She isn’t the only Grand Princess
who has been quarantined out to sea
For over a fortnight two royal battle cruisers
have been caught in this epic fight
The Grand Princess and Diamond Princess
Seasick passengers, in port, not the high seas
Get off your high horse,
this isn’t Cheltenham nor an Olympic arena
There is no best in show
when you are this close to the throne
Remember corona means crown
people need to self-quarantine
Will and Kate visit Ireland another day
Please stay away from the Queen
or "Just call me Harry" will be King
Like Prime Minister Trudeau,
safely quarantined in Canada,
if you know what I mean
Get off your high horse Zara Philips
too many have died on Princesses on the high seas
The Queen is old and Prince Philip even older
Charles is next in line but his age is also at risk
The United King-dumb of parades and pageantry
there is no dressage in triage only dressings and bandages
Corona means crown, you can’t turn that around
People have been buried, they are already in the ground
A battle royal, corona means crown, don’t wear it around
IT is as scary as a Stephen King clown
Get off your high horse, take your foot from your mouth
Farmers in Ireland know what they’re talking about
clean your feet and your hooves and your hands,
I hope you understand but what is the plan?
Is Andrew the only one self-isolating?
Your godfather’s extradition disgrace,
distancing himself from Epstein’s case
Be seen in public, lend a helping hand
but there is no blue ribbon in triage
or at least from what I understand
Saturday 14th of March, en Madrid
