What the hell did he Google to get this result?
Was he looking for something to give him an election or was he worried that the campaign was dead and buried? Either way he found himself at The Four Seasons which turned out to be a Landscarping firm and not the luxury hotel.

The location of this Four Seasons just so happens to be between a sex-shop and a crematurium.
Maybe they made a mistake and didn't want to admit it but the former mayor of New York managed to give a press conference between a Philidelphia funeral home and sex-shop called Fantasy Island.
Yet, we are meant to believe that Trump's lawyer found illegal votes but can't find a 5* Hotel.
Come-on, we have all made mistakes and taken a wrong turn and I remember the time I was running low on fuel and took the wrong turn for a petrol station on the A6 outside Madrid and found myself outside the C.N.I. headquaters with a very angry security guard telling me to move my car when I asked for directions back to the petrol station.

The Centro Nacional de Inteligencia is the Spanish equivalent of the CIA and I found them incredibly unhelpful, rude and aggressive
The one thing I expect from an inteligence agency like the CIA is the ablity to do is find some goddam petrol. That's kinda their thing.
Rudy Giuliani is clearly a man for all seasons but if Trump's campaign team got lost in Philadelphia, I think it is fair to presume that Trump has lost the plot too.
Wait, do crematoriums sell plots?