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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Fagg

What was her name?

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Although Jack and Rose were not real,

we still remember The Titanic

and those who sailed onboard her

I remember The Lady Anne

a cruiser from the Lakeside SGS

rented by some German friends

I remember the UFO

a yellow speedboat

with tinted windows

on Coosan shores

The Tigh-na-Mara lifeboat

that Athlone Sub Aqua

called their home

Filled bottles of air,

from a compressor on her stern.

Taught lifesaving classes with a Resusci-Anne mannequin

and gave lectures of Boyle’s Law from an overhead projector.

The Early Riser’s dirty callsign

and a Viking boat still afloat in Athlone,

where Michael the Viking still visits Clonmacnoise.

We name our cars and ships and love them to bits,

“Come on Betsy” my mother cried driving uphills

but when it comes to power, it is a slippery slope.

As knowledge of Sionann is only held

by those who have eaten their share of salmon.

Holy Mother, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,

we call our ships, our boats and our cars, girls’ names,

are we all insane, we have forgotten her name?

Sionann she is calling,

A springtide raises all boats

Lady Anne, UFO and Tigh-na-Mara

Those names I remember and those I don’t.

the boat at Charlie’s Island rusted and forgotten,

rowboats broken and half-sunken.

Poseidon sometimes causes harm

but Sionann held each in her arms.

We cannot put a face to her beauty

but I must remember her like

The Lady Anne, UFO and Tigh-na-Mara too

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