WITHOUT ever travelling to the Canary Islands in Spain, I would like to send a lot of shit their way, a mountain of shit in fact as the island of La Gomera and the town of Agulo in particular, prepares for an unusual cultural night.
I know it is not nice to attack a town council and its residents without ever meeting them but when you hear what they are doing, I think you will also want to send them a lot of shit too.
When I heard about the town council of Agulo´s upcoming work, I was shocked and surprised.
Agulo, a Spanish town and part of the Canary Islands is holding a cultural night.
Helped and supported by the town council, tickets are only €5 but we are not talking about a cruel cultural event like bull fighting or any animal cruelty but a play.
Staging a Spanish play in a town hall might sound very normal for a Spanish Island but La Reina de Corazones is unusual as the Spanish play was written by Longford local Séamus Mac Aogáin.

Before moving to Spain, Séamus Mac Aogáin from Abbeyshrule, was a familiar sight in Athlone for people on the move, as Seamus ran the tuck shop in Athlone Train Station for many years.
Moving on, Seamus lived on the Spanish mainland for over a decade before moving to the Canary Islands.
The Spanish speaking Irish writer immediately immersed himself within the local community and naturally got involved with the literary scene which had been in decline due to emigration to the mainland. With the luck of the Irish, let’s send a lot of shit to the mayor and town council and the dedicated cast preparing for Séamus´ La Reina de Corazones which translates as The Queen of Hearts.
We are not talking about That Scottish Play as actors might describe a certain Shakespearian play but a Spanish play from an Irish immigrant. Ireland is known for its Irish writers but it is not often that a playwright produces a play in the Spanish language and not often that a town council gets behind the project so let’s send them a lot of shit and kudos.

From one small island in the Atlantic to another, Seamus has settled on the island of La Gomera in 2016, moving from Madrid to the town of Agulo after a lifetime in Athlone and Abbeyshrule.
Far from forgetting his past, this Longford local has written books about his childhood and formative years in the Midlands. “The Road to Abbeyshule” was his first book published and in 2016 surrounded by friends and family travelling from Ireland, Seamus launched, Tell Me Another in the James Joyce bar in Madrid.
While we normally talk about the luck of the Irish, it is time for the cast to break a leg or as the Spanish would say, “Mucha Mierda” which translates as a lot of shit, as in, I wish you a lot of shit or bad luck, just like we would say, “Break a Leg”
