We have been grounded like children and can't go out and play.

Some of you might even have something to say about the experience.
When did you realise the seriousness of the situation?
What steps did you/your family or company take to prepare?
When did you first start to distance yourself from others?
How has this affected your work and social life? (Sports, Concerts, Gatherings etc)
How have you coped over the last month?
And what new things have you done?
Please feel free to contact me to describe your own experiences, good and bad about the Lockdown in Spain and the impact of Social Distancing on your life.
If possible, try to include a photograph or two. My e-mail is morgan.fagg@gmail.com
Thanks to Patricia Moro for this fantastic photograph reflecting on the Lockdown in Madrid.
Dan Littaur describes his own experience going to hospital and being tested for Covid-19:
https://www.nohemingway.com/post/lockdown-voices-number-2 https://www.nohemingway.com/post/lockdown-voices-number-3
Happy for you Dan!
God bless Manuel.