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Writer's pictureMorgan Fagg

Lockdown Voices Number 23 THANKS

This blog is for Corona and I don't mean the virus.

I know what it is like to have a funny surname but one Australian boy has found fortune in his unfortunate name. Corona means crown but it must be a difficult title to wear around.

Naturally, Corona has found himself bullied as a result of Covid-19 but he has found the most wonderful friend to keep in-touch with despite his penpal having suffered from Coronavirus.

Most people might not know that Tom Hanks is a bit of a typewriter aficionado and he has sent one of his typewriting machines to Corona to let the bullied boy know, that he has "a friend in me."

You've got a friend is the beautiful Randy Newman song used in the Toy Story films in which Tom Hanks starred as Woody, a child's toy, and reading of Tom Hanks generosity, lifted my spirits as we are bombarded with daily stories of death, disease and injecting disinfectant.

Thanks T. Hanks

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