Lockdown Voices Number 45 looks at America's 45th President and his global pandemic voice. I am not sure where to begin with this Dotard but I do thank North Korean leader Kim Jung-un for educating the world on the word Dotard. #WordsMatter

Trump has given us many GREAT words such as #Covfefe and nicknames like Lying Ted Cruz and Sleepy Joe but it appears to me that he has spent every waking moment lying to himself and the country about his ability to communicate clearly.
He has broken every commandment I can think of or at least threatened to do it on Fifth Avenue and has been a voice for Police Brutality, Russia and not wearing face masks.
Trump's unmasked voice is difficult to write about as he has quite literally made up "Hurstory" and while it is an easy typo to make, he has made many hurstorical mistakes which I find unacceptable, given the fact that he has a communication team which could clear up his message and we should not need a translation of what he either said or what he meant when he said something.
Part of the reason the world is in this mess is that America and England, two traditionally democratic powerhouses have downplayed the importance of this pandemic and the response that was needed in February and March.
Trump has been very inconsistent in his messages in the past and has a habit of saying anything at all and then trying to explain what he actually meant, later on.
Moving forward, we need clarity of voice which the 45th President has often stumbled or excused as being sarcasm and for a man who loves being on stage, so much, it would be great if this Lockdown Voice, whether in a bunker or an empty arena or teargassing priests to be photographed shaking a bible, could stand up on that podium and say something meaningful.

George Conway who is married to Trump's Senior Advisor Kellyann Conway making "fin" of Trump.

PHOTO CREDIT: I have taken a picture from Wikipedia which was taken by photographer Michael Vadon and I always like to credit photographers whenever possible and a quick look at his website http://michaelvadon.com and you will see that he has shared the "four agreements" which I think Donald Trump and others including myself should at least read if not follow.
Taken from his website, this photographer seems to watch what he says and focuses more on clear communication and not just his images. He also suggests we avoid speaking against others which I am guilty of even if I have chosen to use the president's misspelled words against him.
Michael lives life by the "four agreements":
1) Be impeccable with your word. Do not use the English word to speak against others. 2) Dont take anything personally. What others say is a projection of their own reality, not yours. 3) Dont make assumptions. Ask questions, communicate clearly and avoid misunderstandings. 4) Always do your best. Each experience in your life should be performed with your best effort to avoid regrets.
HURSTORY LESSON: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-makes-history-twitter-typo_n_5ef1c30bc5b6da3abcb0b050