The elderly who gave us hugs
and lots of love,
were sacrificed to the economy
as people died of everything but coronavirus
the virus contributed to a million deaths but let’s Never Forget
the 19 terrorists who committed mass suicide
If we checked the death cert on that mid-September day,
how many people died of other causes?

We saw people jumping to their deaths,
how could we ever forget that?
There were people trapped in buildings
after their colleagues suffocated and burned,
Gases, fumes, and flames,
and those on the planes
Terrorists used knives
like an ANTIFA soup crime
How do we count the lives lost that day?
Isn’t it the same with Coronavirus today?
Firemen perished as they rushed to save lives,
as doctors and nurses, today have to fight
anti-mask protestors and anti-scientist presidents
The bravest of the brave,
face a 911 every few days
I’ll never forget that