My first week teaching classes online went well but the second week was a disaster as a poor connection meant my classes were reduced to a few minutes connectivity and an increasing amount of online chat when video and audio failed.
I had to check my ping rate a few times to see how poorly my connection was performing and each time I checked my ping rate, I looked as confused and disappointed as Sean Connery on a submarine.

Yes my internet speed was down in the second week but recovered in weeks three, four, five, six and seventeen but let's be grateful that we have made it two months without water shortages or electrical blackouts.
Unlike Sean Connery's Captain Marko Ramius, I don't run on nuclear power and haven't yet invested in solar power.

There is no clean energy in my apartment and hard-working people have managed to keep me in power.
Today, as my kettle and washing machine tripped the trip-switch, it was simply a matter of pushing back up the trip-switch thanks to the people still working in energy companies.
Whoever is pushing the buttons that have turbo boasted our lives and have kept water in my kettle, washing machine and flowing in my shower.