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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Fagg

Proper Hungover

While stepping back in time and following in Jack the Ripper's footsteps on a ghost tour of London's east end, the tour guide explained the use of ropes as a form of accommodation for people who couldn't afford a bed for the night.

Popular with people who had spent all their money on alcohol and could barely stand anymore, the ropes were simply cut in the morning and the poor drunks were let loose. Cut loose until the next night

I cannot say that this is the actual origin of the word hungover but I'm sure many people in Victorian England found themselves hungover on the ropes of one of these establishments where they might even have been on-line with Jack the Ripper or one of his poor victims.

Strung out, it is a pity that Jack the Ripper was never hung (hanged) by a different rope.


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