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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Fagg

Put Your Best Foot Forward

A modern day Cinderella story

They say you should put your best foot forward but if I was in Trump’s shoes, I’d be kicking myself.

They say you should never judge someone (or their supreme court judge choices) unless you have walked a mile in their shoes but the problem is the small handed Trump hasn’t exactly filled Obama’s shoes for me to expect much from this failed shoe salesman and I don’t want to know what he would fill Obama’s shoes with if the MI6 Dossier (Pee Pee tape) is to be believed.

I am guessing if I put myself in his shoes, I wouldn’t have got 5 medical deferments for Bone Spurs while playing tennis in the country club while men fought and died in the jungles of Vietnam and I am guessing if I walked a mile in his shoes, it would be the first full mile they ever saw.

Yes we are talking about the laziest leader in recent history, we are talking about the most selfish man to ever stroll up to an airplane and abandon an umbrella because he is obviously used to people picking up after him. The king of Twitter @realDonalJTrump.

The unreal DonaldJTrump boarded Air Force One in October to the mockery of the world when they picked up on the fact that women judge men on their shoes for a reason and this POTUS, (Piece of totally useless shit) as he has become known, had a piece of paper on one of his shoes.

Not to blow this all out of proportion, it is only one time a world leader has been recorded with what looked like toilet paper on his shoes but unlike the recently deceased George Bush Snr, we are not talking about an isolated incident like President Bush’s diplomatic nightmare when he got sick on the Japanese Prime Minister in 1992.

Trump boarded the $330 million government golf cart for the second time with the world judging him for the most basic of behaviourally problems. He had previously walked up the steps on Air Force One only to leave his opened umbrella, open and then abandoned it at the entrance to the plane.

Just like the piece of paper, I am sure 747s blow a lot of debris around the tarmac and unlike the tiny piece of paper. This shit left an umbrella by the door of the plane which could potentially cause enormous problems if blown into one of the 4 General Electric CF6 turbofan engines.

His behaviour falls under an umbrella of similar offences where he has been videoed holding an umbrella while his wife and ten year old son get soaked in the rain.

If it colludes like a duck, shuts down governments like a duck, doesn’t give a duck about checking his spelling before tweeting like a duck and consults quacks for medical advice, then we can only be talking about Donald Trump and his duck dynasty.

We are talking about Scrooge McKFC Duck and a tower full of imaginary money that he dives into and today I am discussing the waddle waddle paper on his foot, Donald what the duck?

It is just a piece of paper, yes but so is their constitution.

How does Trump a self confessed germaphobe manage to get toilet paper on his shoe?

What men’s room was the president in before boarding one of his two $330 million planes?

How dirty is his limo, his helicopter or his house that he manages to stand in toilet paper?

Who failed to clean his toilet, bedroom or red carpet that he stood on a piece of tissue?

Who forgot to tell him he had stood on a piece of paper? Was it the marines who salute him, his pilots, chauffeurs, security or advisors?

What sort of a mess do you have to make to be mocked online for such a simple error.

Toilet paper is light and thin and can blow around easily but I have never boarded a plane with toilet paper stuck to my shoe, have you?

It is just a piece of paper, yes but so is their constitution.

This like a modern day Cinderella story.

Like a modern day Cinderella if the modern version involves a lonely child not asked to do any work but still depending on others to get them to the ball/party, thrice married and distinguished by the shit stuck to their shoe.

He is like Cinderella if Cinderella colluded with her foreign godfather, never cleaned in his life and believed in clean coal and never put anyone before herself.

People in glass White Houses shouldn’t act stoned but if the shoe fits wear it.

Let’s replace Putin as the election fairy and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schuman as his step sisters.

They say walk a mile in someone else’s bone spurs but I’ve seen ducks walk further than this Christmas cancelling Scrooge McDuck.

If the shoe was on the foot and Obama was President that surely this lame duck wouldn’t be able to appoint anymore Supreme Court judges and time will tell if he can find a worse nominee then the Calendar Girls loving BRET KAVANAUGH who still likes beer.

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