Forget Gene Roddenberry for a minute and let's focus on Roddy Doyle's Chief O'Brien instead.

If our future is going to be affected by Coronavirus, then "Make it so" but let's look at a mix up between Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek with an alternative Chief O'Brien as if the actor Colm Meaney was reading some of his other bleedin scripts from Roddy Doyle.
Let's have a look at Star Trek in the here and now as everyone starts searching for some personal space.

Is it just me but does Mr. Big Data from MyFace or SpaceBook remind you of anyone?
Mark Zuckerberg has been self distancing for years and looks like he cut his own hair.
Maybe, all our social interactions will finally help him to understand what it feels like to be human. Like, Share and Follow Cambridge Anylitica because those Russian bots have certainly been following you.
We live in an age of communicators, universal translators and even the Kardashians on the big screen.

THE SELFISH GENERATION: Tag yourself and share all your Data with your friends

BALDING: Yes, they predicted the future but it actually looks about the same as it does today.

BAD PARKING: Even the Jetsons didn't predict a convertable electric car floating around Mars.

KISS: Is it logical to assume that we have more to learn from Star Trek than just kissing aliens?

TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER: Melania Trump borrows Diana's wardrobe from the set of V but the Slovenian might not be kissing Captain Trump as the tv president is known to hate all aliens.

SEEING RED: Just like Donald Trump, Captain Kirk could always find a fall guy.

The Original Series killed off red shirts but let's keep this blog to Chief O'Brien and Covid-19.

RED ALERT: We all have to find some space and stay safe. Don't be a redshirt.

YOU SCRATCH BY BACK: I'll break your face. Seriously, give me my space.

SIR PATRICK STEWARD'S DAY: Even in the future, ancient traditions are kept alive.

OLD & THE NEXT: Sir Patrick get's into the spirit of things but has the image Shatner-ed.

STARDATE PADDY's WEEKEND: Even Star Trek couldn't predict Ireland cancelling Paddy's Day.

Dr Crusher is probably too busy to crush cans with Coronavirus but let's raise a glass for medical staff.

SUPPLIES: If you have ordered in the cans of Guinness, make sure you have ordered loo roll too.

FUCKING FIELDS OF ATHENRY: Enjoy the fresh air when you can.

STORM IS COMING: Coronavirus is serious but we've seen trouble before.

FUCKING FREEZING: Yes the temperature has dropped and it has been snowing here in Spain.

BAD HAIR MONTH: Hair today, gone tomorrow. Barbers were originally allowed to stay open here.

NOT GOING ANYWHERE? This Snickers joke made me snigger.

THE RED SHIRTS: Colm Meaney has been publicly supported Sinn Féin throughout his career.

A LITTLE HOARSE: Horse Racing wasn't been cancelled in the UK or Hong Kong despite Covid19

HOLIDAYS: When I'm home in Ireland, I always try to pop into Sean's Bar for one.

LOCK-IN: Shout out to everyone locked in their homes and not in Seans right now.

OLDEST BAR IN THE GALAXY: If you are ever in Athlone, try their new range of Whiskeys.

DON'T FLY OFF AT THE BOSS: Keep calm during these testing times.

STOP FLUTING AROUND: Put on some pants now and again and forget the pajamas.

FAR FAR AWAY: Keep your friends at bay or you might end up in sickbay.

CAN DO ATTITUDE: Take things in your stride but try not to overdo it.

TECHNOLOGY IS GREAT WHEN IT WORKS: Yes we still have to get on with the job.

EARL GRAY: None of that fancy stuff, just put on the kettle and watch some tv.

FAIR ENOUGH: Try and find something good on the tele.

BOOK OFF: Maybe you can find a good book and forget about the world for a few hours.


MAYBE YOU SHOULD TALK TO A DOCTOR: Chief Miles O'Brien isn't the only tv character you could have fun with but Colm Meaney means mean memes.

PRIME DIRECTIVE: Remember, you can still enjoy Star Trek on Amazon Prime.

CONTINUED: This blog is continued from two previous blogs.
