Throughout my life,
you have always been there
giving life and taking it too
From the North to the South
you have divided my town
but I don’t want to burn bridges
I just want to remember you
The tears you have lost
as a Celtic Goddess
with no swan song
the sculpture of a bearded face,
is that you looking back at me?
What pagan customs are remembered,
in Church Street and Custom House?
Where are you? Where can I find you?
I don’t even speak your Celtic tongue
The English spanned your banks
Vikings came and took your gold
but I feel so worthless and out of my depth
telling tales of mystic Celts, I never knew
in a time of prosperity, there is no cents
Like the second man to touch the salmon
I have no wisdom to remember your name
I believe they called you Sionann
and I am sorry I missed your call
