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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Fagg

Stop playing around

Word on the street is, we're not playing around anymore.

Seriously, the police are on patrol for people on the streets after people failed to co-operate with the necessary quarantine. Images on the news even show police drones warning people to stay indoors.

In Italy, people travelled down South on holidays when the North was closed off and people in Spain have made similar plans to get out of Madrid despite the need to curtail the spread of the virus.

This is not a national holiday but friends and Facebook friends have openly discussed and shared images of their holidays and if this continues we will probably see further restrictions being imposed where people won't even be allowed out of their house to go shopping.

The little children's playground in front of one of Hemingway's favourite bars in Plaza Santa Ana shows police tape closing the area to children.

It might be 5 pm here but don't expect to be served a Corona beer in Cerveceria Alemana or any other bars in the area as Coronavirus has shut down restaurants, schools, and even parks and playgrounds.

Children can easily spread the virus but won't be at serious risk from Covid-19.

They will, however, risk bringing the novel Coronavirus back to grandma and grandad if they are exposed to it and then this harmless kid's area, will become an actual crime scene.

NO PASAR, Por Favor

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