Welcome to the school of hard knocks
The lesson not taught in any class
Young and tough,
my nephew will quickly forget,
this little slip up
and the karate class he missed
Running in the rain,
doesn’t alway end in pain,
take it from your uncle in Spain
The first step, like the karate class you missed,
demonstrates there is always someone,
ready to knock your block off,
even if that person is yourself
You are not just a brick in the wall,
this schools welcomes all,
young and small, old and tall
If your lesson is learnt
and you are reading this with a smile
you can pass the first wet step
No entrance exam,
you are always welcome at
the school of hard knocks
Knock knock, who's there?
Charlie dusting himself off,
Now go get them champ
I have a black belt in slip ups
January 19, 2019 En Madrid
