#TimeToAct meets Daniel Craig's latest 007 film No Time to Die.

After having his heart broken by Vesper Lynd played by actress Eva Green in Casino Royale, James Bond quickly sped off in his Aston Martin to fight Greene Planet who was masquerading as an environmental group and trying to take power in South America and control access to clean water.

After destroying Dominic Greene’s scheme, Bond was next confronted by the Spanish actor Javier Bardem who was hell-bent on destroying Bond’s boss M and MI6 and half of London.
Bardem’s character succeeds in blowing up MI6 and half of London and (spoiler) it doesn't end well for M.

The same Oscar-winning actor is now gunning for the Mayor of Madrid who just last week launched Green Capital.
Quicker than you can burn through ice caps with a laser on your watch, the Hollywood star has labelled the mayor “Stupid” and apologised for doing so.
Bardem apparently apologised because insults should have no place in meaningful discussion.
The blond Bond villain might have chased James Bond all the way home to Skyfall in Scotland but now Bardem will probably be attacked in his own home of Madrid for speaking out against Greene Planet, sorry I meant, the mayor’s reversal of Madrid Central and the creation of Green Capital.

Campaigning against Madrid Central just a few months ago, the mayor was elected to his position by getting into bed with the far-right political party Vox who also promised to reverse the modest but controversial environmental program that has actually managed to reduce pollution.
Funny how Greene Planet's logo resembles Madrid Central.
Vox despite using the colour green in their logo is not exactly a green party and the mayor quickly lost control of his political ally who recently refused to support International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Saving the girl as the ice-caps melt has never been harder for James Bond but if it is “Time to Act” like the city has littered the place with posters suggesting, then the Mayor of Madrid deserves an Oscar for his role in Green Capital when he was elected to reverse Madrid Central.

Sorry friendo, this is No Time to Die and there is still some time for the mayor to act but maybe he should leave the acting to people like Javier Bardem and actually do something for the city instead of just acting like he cares about the environment when international attention comes to Madrid.
The world is watching COP25 and the Spanish capital but no amount of posters or words will make things right if right-wing parties refuse to do the right thing at the right time.
Metro Goldwyn Mayer movie mentions
First, Eva Green and Daniel Craig starring in MGM's Casino Royale.
Followed by the Alfa Aston chase scene from Quantum of Solace.
Finally, Dame Judy Dench watches MI6 explode in Skyfall.