Melania Trump is worried about her husband's health but since when?
Trump, despite claiming to be the healthiest president in history is also anti-exercise. He is not prone to healthy eating and it was reported that the White House chef left within a few months. This was followed a year later with a book highlighting his unhealthy diet of eating cheesecake burgers in bed.

While @realDonaldJTrump has always hidden his tax returns from the public, his health has never been questioned, also never questioned by a real doctor. This man could be playing basketball with basketballers like his predecessor did or taking windsurfing classes with Richard Branson like Obama.
Michelle Obama tried to tackle obesity in America where as Melania hasn't even tried in the bedroom where Trump is reported to enjoy cheeseburgers while watching tv.
Melania Trump hasn't adequately stepped up to encourage her husband to eat right or exercise right.

Put down the burger and walk across the road to Blair House, do not run or jog but walk. No golf carts just sneekers or is he still boycotting Nike?
He could be exercising his rights but he has done nothing right except defend the Alt Right.

For her #bebest campaign wouldn't it #bebetter to stop criticising everyone if her husband can't #begood.

People look at Melania like a Russia spy or Russian bride waiting for her billionaire husband to die but part of that is not that we hate Melania it is because she has done nothing to change him like any normal wife might do when their husband reaches middle age.
With a global view from the Middle Ages, he needs someone to say, honey, let's take a walk.
Trump doesn't have any animals and despite caging enough children in the last year, he has not done as much as walk a dog.

The Irish president has been heavily criticised recently for spending too much on dog food and dog grooming though I have never heard the online rumours adequately answered. In England, Larry the cat in 10 Downing Street has been put forward as a joke alternative to Theresa May as Prime Minister.

While people in White Houses shouldn't throw stones let me be clear.
I DO NOT EXERCISE ENOUGH and I DO NOT ALWAYS EAT HEALTHILY but at half his age, I can tell you I have heard enough friends and family members mentioning that I need to watch what I am eating, how much I drink and that I don't get enough exercise.
I have never written my own doctor's note nor have I hired questionable doctors or tried to promote them for giving me a clean bill of health.
Melania Trump certainly wasn't born in America and her husband has attacked Barrack Obama for not being from Hawaii but Kenya which he has admitted was wrong but Michelle Obama wrote books on gardening in the White House.
So while Melania might say that she is worried about her husband's health because of the stress caused from his poor policies and lies and the global reaction to his regime but I think the world has appropriately responded that they really don't care, do you?

UPDATE: Nothing shows your wealth like an expensive meal complete with candle sticks and silverware, Jeeves please bring me 300 Happy Meals. Sounds more like a Goodyear to a blimp.
